you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube

The single line arises from body and instinct. A state of non-mind allows for an active meditation in which I let myself be guided in order to let the subtle, the intangible, spontaneously manifest. The result does not intend to give an explicit message but invites the observer to receive the energy and life by the ink left on the paper. Through the symbolic and our own intuition we are given the possibility of understanding our own reality.⁠

In "you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube" I honour my path, which at the same time is that of many other people. An intense 3-year process of personal development gave birth, through the exploration with ink and the single stroke, to this triptych.⁠

This work reminds us that we cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube; once we have managed to increase our awareness, we cannot cover it up again. What we see or say, cannot be unseen or unsaid. Very often there is no going back.⁠ Therefore this piece reminds us to live more mindfully.

The single line is what connects me with the nature of being, art and spirituality. The studies of sumi-e (Chinese ink painting) teach me to be able to express the matters of my soul without words. "It is necessary to resort to art to address the places that reason cannot reach" said Gao Xingjian. Practicing art, precisely Chinese inkwash, allows me to awaken my awareness and sensitivity and, I hope, also that of the people who contemplate my works.⁠

Finalists of the 2022 Art Prize by the Fundació Vila Casas. On show at the Museum Can Framis, summer 2022.